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Solar system edge

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Space Age expansion exclusive feature.

Reaching the end of Space Age.

Solar system edge is a location in space the player must reach in order to win Space Age. It is the second-furthest location that a player's space platform can reach, with the furthest being the shattered planet.

Reaching the solar system edge for the first time will show the victory screen and invite the player to upload a snapshot of their save to the Galaxy of Fame.

Exclusive items

The following items are unlocked on Solar System edge:

  • None


En route to Solar system edge, the space platform will start encountering huge asteroids. These are resistant to anything but the most powerful weapons.

Space routes

Solar system edge is connected to 2 other "planets", Aquilo and Shattered planet

Planet Distance
Planet Distance (km)
Aquilo 100,000
Shattered planet 4,000,000

Asteroid rate graphs:

Space route from Solar system edge to Shattered planet


See also