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Steel furnace warning icon.gif

Alerts show small triangle icons on the right of the quickbar and play a sound unless muted. Warning icons are shown directly on a given entity. Alerts globally inform the player of the status of the factory, including missing construction material or entities being destroyed, warning icons show the status of a given entity, such as low power or ammunition.

Alerts last between 5 and 30 seconds depending on the type, see the table below. Alerts can be clicked to show the position of the entity which caused the alert on the map. Hovering over an alert enlarges the associated alert icons on the map and shows arrows on the screen edges that point to the positions of the entities that caused the alert.

Configuration of alerts

Alerts can be turned on and off, and muted/unmuted using the /alerts command in the console. This command does not disable achievements. The syntax is

/alerts <enable/disable/mute/unmute> <alert type>

Available alert types are: entity_destroyed, entity_under_attack, not_enough_construction_robots, no_material_for_construction, not_enough_repair_packs, turret_fire, no_storage, train_out_of_fuel, fluid_mixing and custom.

Custom alerts are alerts that are displayed using the programmable speaker.

List of alerts

Alert Type Description Duration
Danger-icon.png entity_under_attack X objects are being damaged. 10 seconds
Destroyed-icon.png entity_destroyed X objects were destroyed. 30 seconds
No-building-material-icon.png no_material_for_construction
X objects are missing the material for construction.
X objects can't be constructed due to fluid mixing.
10 seconds
No-storage-space-icon.png no_storage Not enough logistic network storage space available. 5 seconds
Not-enough-construction-robots-icon.png not_enough_construction_robots X objects are missing construction robots. 10 seconds
Not-enough-repair-packs-icon.png not_enough_repair_packs X objects are missing repair packs. 10 seconds
Warning-icon.png turret_fire X turrets are engaged with the enemy. 5 seconds
Fuel-icon-red.png train_out_of_fuel Train out of fuel. 5 seconds

List of warning icons

Icon Description
Ammo-icon-red.png This turret is missing ammunition.
Electricity-icon-red.png This object is low on power.
Electricity-icon-unplugged.png This power-consumer is not connected to a power-generator/this power-generator is not connected to a power-consuming object.
Fuel-icon-red.png This object is missing fuel.
Logistic-delivery.png This object is missing the material for construction.
Recharge-icon.png This object's internal energy buffer is low.
Too-far-from-roboport-icon.png This logistic chest is outside the reach of a roboport.